Glob Mops XL 2.0
If you’re a dab lover and looking for a great way to clean your quartz bangers, then Glob Mops XL 2.0 Cotton Swabs have got you covered!
They are packed with 300 premium mops made from eco-friendly materials such as high quality bamboo, cotton and wood that make them biodegradable.
Best of all, the Glob Mop uses patented technology for winding the swabs 20x tighter than traditional swabs so there is no cotton residue left behind! With twice the absorbing power, these extra large swabs are perfect for cleaning those hard-to-reach spots.
Additionally, the pointed end is perfect for getting tough corners while the rounded ends will wipe off any excess residue. So get ready to clean up your surfaces like never before with Glob Mops XL 2.0 Cotton Swabs!